[24/5/2024] Seminar #2 : Collaborative Case Research on Asian Organizations
Dear Lecturers, Researchers and Students,
With the desire to create opportunities for exchange, networking, learning, and sharing new research and practical experiences with international scholars, the Institute of Business Research (IBR) affiliated with the University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City, we respectfully invite lecturers/researchers to attend the seminar with the following information:
Seminar content:
In this seminar, Prof Sia will provide an overview of his research on digital transformation. Drawing on the many case studies that he has done over the years, he will discuss how incumbent organizations evolve their digital business strategies to compete with tech disruptors, moving from a disruption triggered by digital to a transformation enabled by digital, and finally, an ambition to become digital. He will illustrate the key organizational challenges based on the transformation journey of DBS (Development Bank of Singapore), which has earned the accolate of being the "best bank in the world". The generalizability of the digital transformation framework from the B2C to the B2B and government context will also be discussed. Finally, he will also share what he believes to be the next waves of digital transformation, as new technologies and business dynamics continue to unfold.
Registration via this link
Yours sincerely,